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ValuuCompass: Revolutionizing Sustainable Business Practices

Valuufy's ValuuCompass is designed to address the critical gap in the market for a holistic, transparent tool to assess a company's true stakeholder impacts and sustainability risks.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive framework synthesizing over 1,230 impact measurements

  • Clear, goal-based model to measure stakeholder impacts and value creation

  • Actionable insights that go beyond traditional sustainability and ESG metrics

ValuuCompass empowers organizations to:
  • Identify and mitigate hidden sustainability risks

  • Uncover new opportunities for innovation and growth

  • Benchmark and improve performance over time

  • Communicate impacts to stakeholders in a transparent, credible way


For Investors:

Make truly informed decisions about sustainability risks and opportunities in your portfolio with our data-driven, quantifiable metrics.

For Companies:

Access the first universal, objective standard to measure your real impact on people and the planet, with actionable items to improve performance against sustainability reporting frameworks.

Based on Rigorous Methodology

ValuuCompass is based on a culmination of over a decade of intensive, multidisciplinary research conducted at the Value Research Center (VRC) in Kyoto, Japan. The team of researchers has drawn insights from a wide range of fields to create a rigorous, evidence-based framework for measuring and creating sustainable value.


This includes an extensive analysis of over 1,000 impact measurements across more than 40 of the world's top ESG and sustainability reporting frameworks. Through this process, we identified 81 core sustainability goals, organized into 27 themes and 7 stakeholder categories.

Each of these goals is operationalized through specific, measurable indicators, allowing for objective, quantitative assessment of an organization's sustainability performance. The scoring system is designed to be transparent, consistent, and comparable across industries and geographies.

Example of our Stakeholder categories and what they consist of

Customers icon


Employees icon



Partners icon
Firm icon


Nature icon
Shareholder icon
Society icon




Key elements for this stakeholders group are (1) truth in communications, (2) privacy, and (3) health, safety, & satisfaction.
Key elements for this stakeholders group are (1) truth in communications, (2) privacy, and (3) health, safety, & satisfaction.
Provide value to partners through (1) supply chain & distribution channel reporting, (2) supporting MSMEs & VCSEs, (3) environmentally & socially responsible partners, and (4) supply chain & distribution channel fair labor practices.
Provide value to partners through (1) supply chain & distribution channel reporting, (2) supporting MSMEs & VCSEs, (3) environmentally & socially responsible partners, and (4) supply chain & distribution channel fair labor practices.

Provide value to partners through (1) supply chain & distribution channel reporting, (2) supporting MSMEs & VCSEs, (3) environmentally & socially responsible partners, and (4) supply chain & distribution channel fair labor practices.
Provide value to partners through (1) supply chain & distribution channel reporting, (2) supporting MSMEs & VCSEs, (3) environmentally & socially responsible partners, and (4) supply chain & distribution channel fair labor practices.
When companies aim to create Value for Society, they can focus on (1) appropriate taxes, (2) local community development, (3) local employment and engagement, and (4) charity and volunteerism.

Validation and Refinement

The framework has undergone extensive validation through application to real-world case studies and engagement with sustainability experts and practitioners. This has allowed us to refine and strengthen the framework over time, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in driving sustainable value creation.
In 2022 and 2023, the framework has been presented at the Science Summit of the United Nations General Assembly, where it was recognized as a promising tool for advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Ongoing Research and Development

At Valuufy, we are committed to continuously improving and expanding the ValuuCompass through ongoing research and collaboration. We actively partner with academic institutions, sustainability organizations, and industry leaders to stay at the forefront of sustainability science and practice.

As sustainability challenges and stakeholder expectations evolve, so too will the ValuuCompass – ensuring that it remains a robust, reliable, and relevant tool for driving positive impact.

Empowering Sustainable Transformation

By providing a clear, science-based roadmap for sustainable value creation, ValuuCompass empowers organizations to:


  • Identify and mitigate hidden sustainability risks

  • Uncover new opportunities for innovation and growth

  • Benchmark and improve performance over time

  • Communicate impacts to stakeholders in a transparent, credible way

Ultimately, ValuuCompass aims to bridge the gap between sustainability theory and practice – helping organizations move beyond box-ticking exercises to drive meaningful, measurable progress towards a more sustainable and equitable future.

Driving Global Sustainability Through Open Access

At Valuufy, we believe that true progress in sustainability requires collaboration and shared knowledge. That's why we've made the groundbreaking decision to release the underlying model of ValuuCompass, the Value Model under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

This means that the Value Model is freely available for use, study, and distribution by individuals, organizations, and researchers worldwide, under the following terms:

  • You must give appropriate credit to the creator.

  • The model cannot be used for commercial purposes without explicit permission.

  • The model must be shared in its original form, without modifications.

By making the Value Model open access, we aim to accelerate global adoption of comprehensive sustainability practices, foster innovation and research in sustainable value creation, promote transparency and standardization in sustainability assessment as well as empower organizations of all sizes to improve their sustainability performance.

If you’d like more information about ValuuCompass, please contact us:

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