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Our Vision: Shaping the Future of Sustainability

At Valuufy, we envision a world where sustainability is not just a buzzword, but a fundamental driver of business success and societal well-being. We believe that by empowering organizations to measure and create sustainable value for all stakeholders, we can catalyze a global transformation towards a more resilient, equitable, and thriving future.

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Becoming a global standard by 2030


Our ultimate goal is to establish the Value Model as the gold standard for sustainability assessment and reporting by 2030. We aim to create a universal language and framework for sustainability that transcends industries, geographies, and cultures – enabling organizations of all kinds to benchmark their performance, learn from best practices, and collaborate towards shared goals.

A better, more sustainable world


Imagine a future where investors, consumers, and policymakers can easily compare the sustainability performance of companies across sectors and regions, using a common set of metrics and standards. Where businesses compete not just on financial returns, but on their ability to create long-term value for all stakeholders. Where the most sustainable companies are also the most successful and admired.

This is the future we are working towards at Valuufy. We aim to have our ValuuCompass recognized and adopted by leading sustainability frameworks, reporting standards, and certification bodies around the world. We envision a vast ecosystem of businesses, investors, NGOs, and governments using our model to drive sustainable transformation at a scale and pace never before seen.

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We are in this together

To achieve this ambitious vision, we are investing heavily in research and development, partnerships and collaborations, and global outreach and education. We are building a movement of sustainability leaders and changemakers who share our passion for creating a better world through better business.

Join us on this journey to shape the future of sustainability. Together, we can create a world where every organization is a force for good – and where sustainable value creation is the norm, not the exception.

If you’d like to learn more about how we want to make a change, get in touch with us:

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