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How we can help you thrive

For Venture Capital and Private Equity Firms

For Investment Data Providers and Research Firms

As a venture capital or private equity firm, you're always seeking new ways to assess the potential and mitigate the risks of your portfolio companies. Valuufy's ValuuCompass provides a comprehensive, data-driven framework for evaluating the sustainability performance and growth potential of your investments. By leveraging our actionable insights and benchmarking tools, you can make more informed decisions, identify opportunities for value creation, and engage your portfolio companies on critical ESG issues. Partner with Valuufy to embed sustainability into your investment strategy and drive long-term, resilient returns.

For Institutional Investors and Asset Managers

In a rapidly evolving sustainability landscape, investment data providers and research firms need reliable, comprehensive, and up-to-date information to meet the needs of their clients. Valuufy's ValuuCompass offers a rigorous, transparent, and globally recognized framework for assessing and comparing the sustainability performance of companies across industries and regions. By integrating our data and insights into your platforms and analysis, you can provide your clients with the actionable intelligence they need to make sustainable investment decisions. Collaborate with Valuufy to enhance the value and impact of your research and data products.

As an institutional investor or asset manager, you have a fiduciary duty to consider the long-term sustainability risks and opportunities of your investments. Valuufy's ValuuCompass empowers you to assess the ESG performance of your portfolio companies, engage with them on material issues, and align your investments with your sustainability goals. Our platform provides you with the tools and insights you need to integrate sustainability throughout your investment process, from screening and due diligence to monitoring and reporting. Partner with Valuufy to future-proof your investments and drive positive impact at scale.

For Government, Regulators, and Policymakers

As a government, regulatory, or policy-making body, you have a crucial role in setting standards, creating incentives, and driving progress on sustainability issues. Valuufy's ValuuCompass provides a holistic, evidence-based framework for measuring and comparing the sustainability performance of organizations across your jurisdiction. By adopting the ValuuCompass as a benchmark or reporting standard, you can create a level playing field for sustainability assessment, promote transparency and accountability, and align private sector activity with public policy goals. Partner with Valuufy to harness the power of data and science in driving sustainable development and societal well-being.

For Management Consulting and Sustainability Advisory Firms

As a management consulting or sustainability advisory firm, you play a critical role in guiding your clients' sustainability strategies and transformations. Valuufy's ValuuCompass provides a comprehensive, science-based framework for assessing and improving sustainability performance across all key stakeholder dimensions. By incorporating our methodology and tools into your service offerings, you can deliver more robust, data-driven recommendations to your clients and help them navigate the complex landscape of sustainability risks and opportunities. Partner with Valuufy to enhance your thought leadership, differentiate your services, and drive greater impact for your clients.

If you’d like more information about how we can help you best, get in touch with us:

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