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Transforming Sustainable Business and Investing 

Valuufy is on a mission to revolutionize how organizations measure and create sustainable value for all stakeholders. Our groundbreaking ValuuCompass provides a comprehensive, transparent, and actionable framework for assessing and improving sustainability performance.

Unlock your Sustainability potential with ValuuCompass

  • Identify hidden risks and uncover new business opportunities

  • Gain a clear roadmap for integrating sustainability into your core strategy

  • Drive meaningful, measurable impact for your stakeholders

The Power of the ValuuCompass

  • Holistic assessment of impact across 7 key stakeholders

  • Objective, quantitative measurement based on over 1,230 impact measurements

  • Actionable insights for risk mitigation and growth opportunities

  • Alignment with 45 globally recognized frameworks and standards

News Updates

Find here the latest news and updates related to our activities

Kyoto city scene

June 21s 2024 - Establishment of Valuufy
Valuufy KK has been officially established in Kyoto, Japan as a K.K. (Co., Ltd,)

newspaper image

June 17th 2024 - Japan Times Interview with Philip

Our Co-founder and head of Research co-authored an article on the future of Sustainability in the Japan Times.

Link to external site: Japan Times 

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